Monday, October 10, 2005

Getting Late & New Beginnings

Well it's almost 20 past 1 and I really need to start thinking about tearing myself away from the computer and getting some kip. I've spent a scandalous amount of time today doing blog stuff. There are some very impressively done sites out there (as I'm sure you're already aware) and I might start putting links to some on the page (probably some time after I learn how to do it without having to flick backwards and forwards to the help page a dozen times - when did my memory get so poor?). I hope in time that I can make my blog a bit more bright and shiny, we'll see.

I've signed up to BlogExplosion and have spent an inordinate amount of time trawling through various blogs amazed at the richness of the scenery. Also earned 8 credits, woo-hoo(?), though I still don't know entirely what that gives me. Is it like Nectar points? If I collect 3,000 credits do I get a voucher for a pack of Salt & Vinegar Discos?

By the way if anyone knows where I can get S & V Discos these days let me know. They make Pringles look like a piece of cardboard in my opinion.

Work tomorrow but that's ok. Now that I've handed my notice in I don't have that 'Ihatethisjobihatethisjobihatethis...' going round in my head thank christ. Doesn't mean I don't hate the job but I've definitely developed a much healthier 'fuck it' attitude over these last few days. Which reminds me. I came across an excellent faux medicine advert earlier today, if I can I'll swipe it and bring it here or maybe just link to it we'll see.

Hmm..I may not be getting to sleep just yet. It seems that Conker has decided to have a mad half hour and I just know that just as I'm dropping off to sleep she'll jump on my head like she did on Friday at 4am (scared the crap out of me I can tell you) or she'll decide that one of my extremities needs to die. Ha, it's just an excuse to have another fag and spend a bit more time here really.

I'm off now to have one last quick scooby at the weird and wonderful world of blogland. See if I get inspired.



Blogger Miche said...

LOL, I've always found Englishmen so absurdly hilarious - I have no idea why. My boss in my second job was English. Although, in my real job job I've still got the "IhatethisjobIhatethisjobIhatethisjob" rant running through my head every day. I hate my co-workers mainly - they never help me, they do nothing but put me down, and so on ad finidum. I'm a waitress, can't really do much about it. Once my second job can start paying me I'll be much happier - and I too have subscribed to blogexplosion =P Found you through one of your comments, which was rather insightful, on Man's Real Natural State in the Martian Anthropologist =P

Yeah, really strange how paths cross...

- Trisha
Mayo Brains - Spreading Thought

1:11 am  

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