Saturday, January 07, 2006

Santas bulging sack and other Christmas delights

‘Well, hallo. Haven’t seen you around here for a while. Long time no blog, eh?’

I have my reasons.

‘Ooh mysterious’.

Well, no actually. It would appear that my ‘net connection is reliant upon a student and unfortunately he went home for Christmas so ‘bang’ no connection.

So now I’m back, at least for a few weeks anyway.


Balloons popping, drink swilling, fireworks banging etc etc.

I hope you had a great Christmas and that Santa emptied his bulging sack down your chimney (or through your letterbox for those centrally heated properties).

Ahh, sexual innuendo, you’ve gotta love it.

My new year was shit. I won’t go into the details, honestly I’ve bored myself telling the story. Just to say that as Big Ben chimed I lay on the sofa with the cat whilst swigging from a litre bottle of Sainsburys Bucks Fizz (4% how crap is that?).

Christmas however was a different story. My plan, seeing as I had approx £0 was to do nothing, literally no Christmas. However, it’s not getting too sloppy to say that the generosity of friends and the ties of family ensured that it was actually a quite good one.

Firstly, Charlotte (She is an angel. No really she is. One of those people who light up a room when they enter purely due to their personality. Although she is gorgeous too. For the English reader or Dr Who fan, think Billie Pipers’ better looking dark haired, slightly fuller figured sister.) came round the Thursday before with a complete Christmas dinner. No, not a whole turkey but Sainsburys turkey breasts with stuffing and a chipolata, wrapped in bacon with gravy. She also brought sprouts and carrots and a chocolate pudding! How fantastic is that! I went from staring chips and mayonnaise in the face, again, (not a pretty sight at the best of times) to the promise of a rather good semblance of a proper Christmas dinner.

You know, I know this officially makes me a charity case, and I had told her not long before that I didn’t want her sympathy for the situation I’d put myself in. Trouble is she was so genuine at wanting me to have some kind of Christmas that it felt ok. Under normal circumstances I would be depressed at having provoked a ‘charity’ response from a friend like that but it actually felt really quite moving that here was someone who couldn’t bare the thought of her friend not having some kind of Christmas at all. She is very special to me.

The second big thing was that I got a call from my Mum to say that she would give me the money for the train to go home at Christmas. In all honesty I thought longer about accepting that than I did the food. Hmm, either I’m just warped or I really like my food. You decide. Anyway it had been my sister that’d told her I wasn’t going to be home for Christmas and she was a bit upset about it hence the phone call. This was Wednesday too and on the Thursday she rang, drunk, and asked me to go down a day earlier i.e. the Friday instead of Christmas Eve. Not seeing a good reason to refuse, me and Conker caught the 4:38 home and five hours later (oh the joys of public transport) I was home.

To be continued…..


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