Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I Didn't Like Mondays

Odd, Odd day today. Started ok, usual work stress but with my internal 'countdown to leaving' clock running there wasn't anything too much to handle. That was until Bitchtits got a bee up his backside about a report that we needed in today(unfortunately, due to the whole confidentiality I need to keep this a bit vague, besides the details are dull dull dull). What made it worse was that, despite me wanting to run it my way, despite the fact that I had repeatedly assured him that it was being dealt with (which it was) he just worked himself up into such a frenzy until he was banging on his desk, shouting and swearing! I lost it a little at that point. To quote, 'YES [Bitchtits], I AM PERFECTLY FUCKING AWARE HOW FUCKING IMPORTANT THIS IS!'

I don't do angry, I steam but I don't do angry. It makes me shake, sweat, I feel sick to my stomach and I have trouble getting my words out. Usually, not today though! :-)

This isn't the first time that Bitchtits has got all worked up and started swearing at people and banging around in the office, it's a fairly common occurance, I'd guess at about once a month. Usually everyone just puts their head down and tries not to attract his attention or if you're in the line of fire you just agree with his points until he's ranted enough and calms down enough to enable you to either attempt to explain the situation in a way that'll mean he actually understands whats happened (which he doesn't a lot of the time) or get the hell out of there.

Not today though.

I know I'm banging on about it and for those of you who work in places where this kind of thing is commonplace may be wondering what the hell I'm whingeing on for (you all may be wondering that but hey, it's my blog and I'll whinge if I want to). The thing is we're a small group of people in a small office, in a small/medium sized company. Imagine being trapped in a submarine with a captain who, seemingly at random, starts shouting and swearing at his crew in front of everyone. Reckon it would put your stress levels up a bit? A lot? Through the roof?

Why do you think I'm getting the fuck out of Dodge?

Anyway, he calmed down after that, I don't know whether it was the realisation that he'd overstepped the mark, surprise at my out of character reaction or he'd simply run out of steam. I know what I'd like to think it was. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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The list is based on major media sources and may not include all attacks. Attacks in 2003 August 7 - A truck bomb outside the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad kills sixteen and injures more than fifty.
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1:49 am  
Blogger AnonymousCog said...

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2:50 am  
Blogger Journeyman said...

Thank you anonymous, to a budding blogger that means a lot.

7:49 pm  

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