Thursday, February 02, 2006

Romancing the MSN way and Ninjas of the Mind

Ok, for those of us, me included, who’ve been following the saga of me and Miss Potential here’s the latest. This won’t be the full theme of this post but it’s definitely worth mentioning.

I’ve got MSN messenger.

Oooh, I hear you whisper. Look at the bright shiny thing the spaceman has got. Ok, ok I know I’m probably the last person in the western hemisphere to get but still, it’s a novelty to me.

I digress.

So me and Miss P have been having some long, deep and revealing chats in msn. And, in short, we’ve both admitted that what we want is very similar e.g love, trust, a kid and a long term commitment.

I didn’t quite run screaming from the room but it was certainly a bit hairy.

It’s odd and I know that chatting on the internet is a whole world away from actually spending time with someone (at least it’s not literally) but it’s also a massive improvement on the sporadic text message relationship we’ve had so far.

I feel we’re getting to know each other now instead of waiting to know.

And it feels good. (

P.s. Miss P also told me that she feels like a schoolgirl when I see her at work, all blushing and silly.


So, the other thing? Well really it’s about what I haven’t been putting in my blog lately.

Did you know I had a training day a couple of weeks ago?

No, of course not. I didn’t blog it. And I’m still not sure why. Was it not worth blogging? Well maybe but that’s never stopped me before. Was it particularly emotionally wracking? No not really and again that’s never stopped me. More importantly, my training is why I started this in the first place and to let it slip like this is worrying. I’m hoping it’s not my sneaky internal saboteurs up to their sneaky tricks again.

I have my next session on Saturday, I’ll make a point of letting you know how it goes.


Monday, January 30, 2006

We're Sorry To Announce That The Flight To Romance Has Been Delayed By Approximately 7 Days

Well, the date was cancelled.

But I’m still hanging in there. It was her lad having some major strop that meant she had to leave work early and the possibility of going out, or me going round there, was out of the question. I wished her luck with her boy and asked her to drop me a line.

So it was Aberdeen Angus rump steak for one.


Went to a mates instead and got hammered on a ¼ - ¾ mix I made of the dessert wine and sparkling Cava I’d bought for the date. It was a reasonably recovered night.

We’ve sort of provisionally rearranged for next Saturday but I remembered afterwards that my next training session is that day. I come out of them pretty emotionally stirred up and in need of some time to myself to process the day. Not really conducive to the sparkling fount of wit and charm I usually am (haha).

Well there is only two options, either I fake it. In which case I slap on my happy mask and try to act my way through the date, which would be fine if there wasn’t alcohol involved. Or I stay true to how I’m feeling, let Miss Potential know that I may not be the sophisticate she was hoping for (haha again) and see how it goes. Hmmm…risky strategy definitely but, you know, I think I’m going to go the honesty route.

I keep saying that I want to see where this relationship goes, well what direction would it head off in if I felt I couldn’t show the least small part of my true self?