Friday, October 07, 2005


What are these shitty little adverts that I get each time I post? I’ll probably get one attached to this.

Just for the record.

I don’t want to finance your play/film/extravagant lifestyle/drug habit.

I don’t want you to finance my play/film/extravagant life style/drug habit.

I don’t believe you when you tell me I can earn $$$ with just a few easy clicks if I could surely the world would be doing it.

Call me Mr Bloody Sceptical but I’d have to double check if you told me the sky was blue and the Earth was round.

DO NOT tell me that my blog was great!!! Cool!!! Awesome!!! Or any other damn thing when you quite blatantly haven’t read it. If it was that chuffin awesome you’d make a remark that was relevant instead of the inane drivel that passes for persuasion amongst the majority of advertisers.

Don’t use excessive numbers of exclamation marks all the time – it’s the sign of a sick mind (probably).

In fact, why don’t you just fuck off Mr Advertiser. Then when you come back fuck off again and when you come back fuck off AGAIN and keep doing it until you get it right.

Outstanding. I love a good rant.
I've changed the name and address of my blog. I went to look for it during my lunchbreak at work (18 working days to go!) by searching Google. Do you have any idea how many blogs have 'cat' and 'life' in their title.


So I changed it.

Although now I feel a bit like the lone guy in the Life of Brian who pipes up 'I'm not an individual' out of the crowd.
Wow, I'm on this blog thing for one day and I go and freak someone out. Probably not any kind of record but anyway.

Frankly, I don't know if I'm supposed to respond to a comment here or in the Comments bit. What's the etiquette? Anyway it would be a bit weird to comment my own post so I'll do it here and besides I've tried that 3 times already and it doesn't seem to be working.

To the fat bottomed girl:

I was just browsing through people who had the same favourite movie, book etc as me. That's how I found you. I was just taking in the landscape I suppose.

Why did I comment? To be honest I can't remember right now what I put but I probably commented because I just had a comment to make.

Am I insane? Probably.

Am I any more insane than anyone else? Probably not. :-)

Keep riding those bicycles fat bottomed girl.

Conker is calling for my attention so I'll post again later maybe.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Handed my notice in today.

Decided, that was it, enough is enough, I can't waste any more of my energy on a job that doesn't give me anything back. Yesterday I was so terrified at what I was about to that I almost didn't do anything.

Today, I changed my world.

I'm 33 and for the past 5 and a half years I've worked in the lightning protection industry (don't ask it's not that interesting - although I do know a couple of interesting(?) facts about lightning), admin, teamleader type stuff. It's paid the bills and a bit, it's been a mostly good environment to work and more and more the job itself has been draining the life out me.

Well not anymore.

Four weeks from today I'll officially be unemployed, I won't even be able to claim benefits because I gave my job up of my own free will, I don't know yet how I'll pay the rent. And yet, bizarrely, I feel so excited I think I might have trouble sleeping.

Do you want to know why?

Ok, maybe you don't but I'm going to write it anyway, you can choose what you do.

And that's exactly it - choice. I have chosen to take this almighty risk because I want to put my energies into something a damn sight more rewarding than another day shuffling a thousand bits of paper while juggling 50 metaphorical balls.

I want to be a therapist. 'Oh god' I can hear you say. 'He's found God, Buddha, Carl Rogers or what the hell ever and now he thinks he can save the world, become a lentil eating hippy, [insert your own critical comment here].'

Or maybe you don't, I shouldn't pre-judge you, the reader, we haven't even met yet, possibly never will. Whatever you think or don't, know this - my intention, as I type away here tonight and Conker purrs quietly away to herself at the bottom of the bed, is to chronicle the next year of my life as I take some more real steps towards my goal (I have already started but I'll bring you up to speed over time if needs be). Maybe you'll be interested and stop by for a look every now and then, maybe you won't. Whichever, it's your choice.

See you soon.